Movie Lists

  • The Best Slow-Burn Thrillers – I

    The Best Slow-Burn Thrillers – I

    In this post, we look at a special category of thrillers called slow-burn thrillers. Similar to the preparation of slow-cooked meals, slow-burn thrillers take their time to set the scene and develop the main characters. The character development in such movies is like a deep analysis of the individuals in the film, providing the viewer… Read more

  • Movies based on Plays – II

    Movies based on Plays – II

    Here is the second installment of my series of articles on movies based on plays. I suggest that my readers read the first part of this series, where I cover the pros and cons of adapting a play to the big screen or TV. The Letter (1940) This adaptation of ‘The Letter,’ a play by… Read more

  • The Best of Brian De Palma’s NeoNoir Thrillers – I

    The Best of Brian De Palma’s NeoNoir Thrillers – I

    In my previous post, I provided an introduction to the neo-noir thrillers of director Brian De Palma. If you are new to his movies, I suggest that you read that post before reading this, as it would give context to his movies and the themes discussed here. In this post, we will take a look… Read more

  • Great  movies featuring  con artists and the games they play – I

    Great movies featuring con artists and the games they play – I

    Watching movies with intricate plots or playing games are among life’s best guilty pleasures. In this post, we will explore five of the best among them, all of which I have reviewed in earlier posts. For the discerning movie lover, such films provide intellectual fodder. Personally, I find them irresistible. The Grifters (1990) A petty… Read more

  • Movies Based on Plays – I

    Movies Based on Plays – I

    There are both advantages and disadvantages to adapting a play for the big screen (or TV). It can certainly save the filmmakers the cost and time of writing a screenplay for the movie, but it also adds a new set of complexities. Scripts for plays are usually restricted to a few venues, or in many… Read more