Italian Movies

  • Movie Review: A Bay of Blood (1971)

    Movie Review: A Bay of Blood (1971)

    “A Bay of Blood” is a Giallo thriller from Mario Bava, the ‘Master of Macabre’. Upon release, the movie was heavily criticized for its extreme gore and violence, but contemporary critics have been more appreciative and consider it one of the landmarks of the Giallo movie era. The movie features one of the most twisted… Read more

  • Movie Review: Phenomena (1985)

    Movie Review: Phenomena (1985)

    “Phenomena” is another good Giallo movie from Dario Argento, with a very interesting plot that includes some supernatural elements. Jennifer Connelly plays Jennifer Corvino, a young adult gifted with the ability to communicate with insects, who is trying to stop a serial killer targeting teenage girls. Like other movies from Argento, “Phenomena” has excellent cinematography… Read more

  • Movie Review: Deep Red (1975)

    Movie Review: Deep Red (1975)

    “Deep Red” is a Giallo classic directed by the “master of horror,” Dario Argento, two years prior to “Suspiria,” his horror masterpiece. “Deep Red,” released at the peak of the Giallo craze, set the bar high for quality in the horror subgenre. Many critics believe that this could be Argento’s best movie and that it… Read more

  • Movie Review: Suspira (1977)

    Movie Review: Suspira (1977)

    ‘Suspiria’, directed by the legendary Giallo filmmaker Dario Argento, is based on ‘Suspiria de Profundis’, an essay by Thomas De Quincey, and is considered a defining movie of the horror genre. On first glance, a casual viewer may dismiss the movie as a gaudy attempt at sensational horror, with almost no plot, but when one… Read more

  • Movie Review: Tenebrae (1982)

    Movie Review: Tenebrae (1982)

    “Tenebrae” (“Darkness”, also called “Tenebre”) is another gory Giallo whodunit from acclaimed director Dario Argento. Considered to be one of his best, this Giallo has all the expected ingredients: great visuals, a whodunit mystery, gore, and sleaze. Argento got his inspiration for this plot from his own experience of being stalked by an obsessed fan.… Read more

  • Movie Review: Four Flies on Grey Velvet (1971)

    Movie Review: Four Flies on Grey Velvet (1971)

    ‘Four Flies on Grey Velvet’ (FFGV) is a Giallo movie directed by ‘The Master of Horror’, Dario Argento. It is the third movie in his ‘Animal Trilogy’. (Apparently, flies qualify as animals) My previous review covered the first movie of the series. FFGV has all the elements of an Argento movie: gruesome murders, drama, ostentatious… Read more