Dan Brown

  • Book Review: Angels and Demons

    Book Review: Angels and Demons

    Dan Brown. Is he a brilliant author who gave us food for thought in the ‘Da Vinci Code’? Or is he just another snake oil salesman? This was the question that flashed through my mind as I read the ‘prequel’ to the ‘ Code’, ‘Angels and Demons’. Author: Dan Brown Angels and Demons Kindle Angels… Read more

  • Book Review: The Da Vinci Code

    Book Review: The Da Vinci Code

    Was the ‘greatest story ever told’ also the ‘greatest story’ ever sold? How accurate are the modern-day versions of the Bible in chronicling the life and times of Jesus Christ? The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown raises these questions, offering a groundbreaking revelation that could threaten the integrity of modern-day Christian beliefs. Well, that’s… Read more