
  • Toronto and Niagra, the forgotten weekend(s)

    Toronto and Niagra, the forgotten weekend(s)

    Memories are funny. I had faint recollections of two trips I had taken to Toronto back sometime in 2007 and 2008. While perusing my old blog, I stumbled upon many mini-posts detailing these trips, and the images and smells came flooding back. Speaking of images, I managed to find some pictures I had taken during… Read more

  • Return to Calgary, Alberta, Canada

    Return to Calgary, Alberta, Canada

    Visiting Calgary and all its surrounding scenic spots was one of the highlights of this summer. This was my second visit there, covering a few more scenic spots than my last one. Here are the venues I covered this time. Plus 15 Skyway Walking around Plus 15, the most extended pedestrian skyway system was one… Read more

  • Austin, TX and Calgary, AB

    Austin, TX and Calgary, AB

    Sept 30th, 2013 A recent business trip took me to Austin Texas. A few months later, a family wedding brought me to Calgary, Alberta. While both these cities may not have much in common, the states they belong to, do shared  some interesting similarities. How could a state in the South-Central United Stetes have similarities… Read more