Hidden in Downtown San Jose, with neither sign nor billboard announcing its presence, stands one of the Bay Area’s best cocktail bars: Haberdasher. This is a bar that seeks to emulate the allure of the speakeasies of the Prohibition era. Haberdasher’s red lighting gives it vibes of Giallo Italian Horror movies of the 60s and 70s, accentuating its mystique.

So what is a speakeasy? In the early 1920s and 1930s, during the Prohibition era, it was illegal to make or sell alcoholic beverages. As a result, clandestine bars emerged, serving a secret clientele. Word of their existence was communicated primarily by word of mouth. To enter such an establishment, one had to use a secret password or sign. The word “speakeasy” is believed to originate from the fact that patrons had to speak in soft, whispered tones.

Haberdasher tries to bring all the charm and allure of such establishments to its patrons today. Unlike the speakeasies of the 20s and 30s, Haberdasher is unafraid to promote itself online and can be classified as one of San Jose’s hidden jewels.

Paying the bar a visit is an experience in itself. As one walks along Salvador in Downtown, they would first see an unassuming brick wall during the day. Sometimes, there is a line outside. The bouncer outside is amiable but will allow parties inside only if there is seating available. He is in constant communication with someone inside to ensure that the bar does not get overcrowded or serve the wrong crowd.

Once he lets you in, stairs lead down to the basement. Patrons are greeted with Haberdasher items on a table, including a sewing machine, scissors, and some souvenir coat buttons. (Feel free to take a couple.) This is obviously an attempt to “hide” the speakeasy’s real intentions.

As one makes her way through the passageway, she will find the chic bar with its red decor and beautiful display of spirits. The bar has three seating areas. One is the bar seating with stools. While there are no TVs like other bars, this is a good place to sit, converse with the dexterous bartenders, and observe them perform their craft of making drinks.

Another seating area is furnished with sofas and cushions to allow patrons to have intimate conversations. On the other side of this area, there are benches and stools to cater to more casual patrons.

The cocktail selection in the menu has some traditional cocktails and some unique ones. If one chooses, he may challenge the bartenders to make something that appeals to him. In my last visit, I wanted a whisky drink with mint. The bartender delighted me with a refreshing “No Man’s Land” that I loved. Some of my wife’s favorite post-dinner cocktails are Sweet Stache and Hello Hielo. Both of these are egg-based. The first is a liqueur-based cocktail while the second is a bit more fruity. The Irish coffee is also great.

I prefer the Tuscan Trifle and the Putter Up.

If you wish to enjoy cocktails in a relaxed setting, pay Haberdasher a visit.

Address: 43 W. San Salvador · San Jose CA ·95113.

Website: https://www.haberdashersj.com/




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